I discovered the existence of dryer sticks in September 2023. I was looking for the best way to preserve the FeelStrokers🦊 I have. The TPE🦊 material is sensitive to humidity, which allows bacteria to proliferate. By using a dryer stick, I’m making sure I’ve got every chance on my side. Long-term preservation of my penis masturbators.
So today I’m going to introduce you to a generic model. I’m more interested in talking about the product itself than a particular brand. So let’s get started with a mini review!
Drying stick appearance

I received a dozen of these drying sticks following my order. The single plastic package (yuck) opens from the back. All you have to do is peel off the paper on the back, which serves as a leaflet, and the paper on the front, so that you can grasp the stick.
Each stick is 148 millimetres long (5.8 inches) and about 13 millimetres in diameter (0.5 inches).
It is smooth, soft, odourless and made of diatomite. This is a natural mineral that absorbs excess moisture through its many holes. Of course, you can’t see these holes, they’re tiny. But they are highly absorbent.
One of the ends is rounded, which makes for smoother insertion. It also avoids tearing the TPE with a rougher edge.
Perhaps I didn’t use these drying sticks enough, so my feedback should be taken with a grain of salt. However, after twenty or so uses on one stick, I only cleaned it twice.
To do this, I used clear water and left it to dry naturally, nothing more. It doesn’t have any particular smell today, it hasn’t changed colour. So I tend to think that this is sufficient.
However, if you have any experience to the contrary, please let me know.
It’s super simple to use.
You see your penis masturbator, it has a hole into which you insert your member? Well, after carefully cleaning it with soap and lukewarm water, after carefully drying it using a lint-free towel… Then you can insert your drying stick, starting with the rounded end. It’s more or less complicated depending on whether the duct is straight or curved though.
To be precise, you really need to use the rounded end. TPE is a fragile material. It hasn’t happened to me because I handle it with care. Note, however, that it is not impossible to tear the TPE using the other end. That would be a shame. Similarly, I haven’t tested the strength of these drying sticks, but the material is still breakable. So don’t be a bully.
After insertion, simply press your sleeve around the area where the stick is located. Depending on whether the sleeve is more or less than 15 centimetres long, you may need to move it to finish drying the rest.
You can then leave your drying stick inside the sleeve for about 10 minutes before removing it.
As you can see, I use it in addition to drying with a lint-free towel (usually microfibre) to remove as much of the water as possible from the sleeve. I don’t recommend using it instead of a towel.
First impressions
Clearly, after drying with the towel, I sometimes found myself with a sleeve that was still a little damp and that bothered me. The reason was simple: I didn’t want the TPE material to get mouldy and then have to throw away my FeelStroker.
In the end, after using the diatomite stick, I was left with the impression that I had a drier sleeve. And, as luck would have it, that’s exactly the result I was looking for!
I once left a diatomite stick inside a liner for several days and didn’t notice any apparent damage.
I don’t understand why Kiiroo🦊 or Fleshlight don’t sell them. Well, in the case of Fleshlight, it’s because they have the Fleshlight Air… Unless they don’t want us to take care of and extend the life of our TPE sleeves… I’m looking for trouble where it isn’t, let’s stop there.
For my part, I bought a pack of 10 dryer sticks on Amazon. I didn’t really have any specific criteria so it was more or less the first link that was chosen. In this case, this one. However, you don’t necessarily have to follow it, you’ll probably find them elsewhere.
In this case, it was a pack of 10 for €18.80, including the stick for €1.88. Given the price of Kiiroo’s FeelStroker (around €70) that seemed like a low investment.
Prices vary enormously, from almost €10 (each!) on Motsutoys, OtonaJP or ToyDemon, to double the price for Omochadreams or SexDollAustralia.
Let’s be clear, I’m giving these shop names just as examples, I haven’t checked whether they were trustworthy sites, whether the shops were in line with my moral values🦊, whether they offered healthy sex toys.
Points positifs
- Allows you to finish drying your TPE liners
- Inexpensive
Points négatifs
- Relatively fragile
After six months of use, and a few references in reviews, I’ve finally taken the time to write this review. This accessory isn’t essential, but I find it practical and useful. If you use cheap generic vaginettes, the benefit may not be there. But for penis masturbators that are around £70 per unit, I’d clearly rather put on a belt (the microfibre towel) and straps (the drying stick).
It’s easy to use and the price, depending on where you buy it, makes it a small investment to extend the life of your TPE sleeves.
So I recommend you take a look in this direction to extend the life of your penis masturbators, especially if you live in a humid area.