
The dildo is a versatile sex toy that offers a multitude of possibilities for exploring and enriching your sex life.

Whether it’s for solo pleasure, couple’s play or anal exploration, this accessory will meet your needs and provide you with moments of intense pleasure.

You can choose from a wide range of sizes, shapes, colours, materials and textures to find the dildo that best suits your preferences.

However, when buying a dildo, it’s important to take into account the materials used to make sure they are healthy for the body and non-porous.

Some traps should be avoir in order to keep this an enjoyable moment.

Moom front view

Review Moom, the blessing of the forest

Unlike usual, it was luck that allowed me to acquire a new sextoy: Moom🛒. It was back in October that Nothosaur🦊 had run a Halloween-themed giveaway (NSFW). And since I’m talking about luck, you can assume I won a prize from the giveaway. Envy overcame reason and I went straight to ordering Moom, Qalu🛒 and […]

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Hismith dual layered silicone dildo out of package

Review of a dual density silicone dildo from Hismith

Under the barbaric name of HSA20-GC (or HSA72-GC for the vibrating version), Hismith🦊 offers us a dual-density silicone dildo 🛒 that can be inserted over a length of 16 centimetres. Inside, a fairly firm first layer. On the outside, a second, softer layer, closer to the feel of human skin. This dildo was part of

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Front view of the Kiiroo's Vacuum Lock Dildo package

Review of the Keon Vacuum-lock dildo

Today I wanted to revisit the Kiiroo🦊 vacuum-lock dildo review. For a cis man, the discovery of anal pleasure – receiving I mean – is something of a taboo in today’s society. The omnipresent judgement that it’s not a normal act. Whether it’s linked to our upbringing, our religion or the fear of what others

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