Review of Reagan Foxx’s FeelReagan

It was on 19 January 2023 that I first presented the FeelReaganđź›’. Today, 15 March 2024, I realise that I had forgotten to publish it on my blog. I was in my Toy Box🦊 at the time. So here’s the review I published, reworked to fit the criteria of my blog.

The FeelReagan is a FeelStroker🦊, in other words, a penis masturbator that simulates vaginal penetration. Whether you use it alone or with a partner is up to you. However, this sextoy has been carefully crafted to visually reproduce the private parts of porn star Reagan Foxx. In addition to this authentic moulding, Kiiroo🦊 has worked with this new FeelStar to select the various textures. I’m referring to the ones inside the sleeve that will undoubtedly bring you to orgasm.

This Reagan vixen was still a complete unknown to me a few weeks ago. It’s a usual thing, as you’ll know if you’ve read my previous reviews. However, a reviewer had enquired earlier this month as to when the Reagan Foxx feelstroker would be released. And I had no idea.

No announcement on Kiiroo’s website, on his reddit. Nothing… Nothing apart from a video of the main interested party on her twitter to announce the premiere… All my research came up empty… But I hadn’t been on Kiiroo’s vimeo where there was already a presentation video.

Meanwhile, Kiiroo’s Community Manager had activated the product sheet and opened pre-orders. A nice 25% discount for delivery in February was then available. It was the first time I’d seen one of their products on pre-order.

Disclosure policy

This review has been produced to give you some information about this product. To help you decide whether or not it’s right for you.
The product presented was given to me free of charge by the brand in exchange for this review.
This review also contains links to the shop (emoji đź›’) which are affiliated links, at no extra cost to you.
This review is in my own words only and anything I say has been written objectively, transparently and impartially.
To find out more, click here🦊.

Reagan Foxx

I’m not going to venture to say how old this buxom Milf is. The Internet doesn’t agree on the various sources found and it’s not very polite. And does it really matter how old she is?

Reagan Foxx is a well-known actress in the world of adult entertainment. She has been nominated, and sometimes awarded, many times for her work over the course of her career. This career started in 2016 after being a cam-girl for over 5 years. Since then, she has worked with many studios in the porn industry and acted in many different types of scenes. Nominated several times and awarded at the Xbiz Awards and ABN Awards.

Receipt of parcel

The parcel was received just over a week ago. By the way, I’d like to thank the Kiiroo CM who sent me this FeelStroker. When I received it, there was no way of knowing what it might contain other than the name of the sender, which was on the delivery note.

It was a concern for me to have a discreet parcel. Kiiroo’s parcels give you peace of mind. There’s no risk of the postman, or your significant other, knowing what’s in the parcel before it’s opened.

FeelReagan boxed set

Front side

FeelReagan front side
Front side of the FeelReagan box

In warm orange hues, a charming Milf smiles at you, seated with one leg bent. She’s wearing a low-cut halterneck bodysuit in orange, revealing a nipple.

In her left hand is the sextoy we’re about to discover together, the FeelReagan. “Hello there” are the words that come to mind, we’re just a few minutes away from getting to know each other…

Right side

FeelReagan right side
Right side of the FeelReagan box

This side shows a cross-section of the inside of the masturbator with the different textures. The internal textures are there to stimulate until orgasm (and more if affinity).

The second image below is a reproduction of Reagan Foxx’s vulva. Apart from the more natural (pinker) colour of the box and the more pronounced signature, you’ll find the slightest folds and creases of Reagan’s vagina. The texture of the material is very close to the skin (smooth, soft and supple), it’s TPE🦊.

I’ll come back to this later, but the different textures on offer seem rather stimulating and interesting.

Back side

FeelReagan Back Side
Back side of the FeelReagan box

It’s not impossible, but unlikely, that you won’t be able to read any of the languages on this face. As far as I’m concerned, I can understand three of them. Can you? Well, I’m cheating, the review is in French and if you couldn’t read it, you wouldn’t be here right now…

This side isn’t the most interesting, it simply teases the potential buyer a little more with some rather stimulating words. It talks about “life-size moulding”, “anatomy (…) faithfully reproduced”, “real feel (…) soft” etc etc.

Left side

FeelReagan left side
Left side of the FeelReagan box

Apart from the packaging, here’s what you get. This black mass more or less represents a torch pointing downwards. You can also add the Keon, an automatic masturbator, to this FeelStroker.

FeelReagan appearance

Open the box and you’ll find a cylindrical object with a wider end. Clearly, it’s unlikely that anyone can guess what might be inside without having opened it. Or without having seen any media coverage of it.

The design is sober, elegant, and although massive, it remains surprisingly discreet. Even on a desk, potentially in the Keon as long as the cap is present.

While the base has a cap that can be unscrewed to vary the suction force, the larger head has a cap that can be unclipped. It’s quite tricky to remove without using a lot of force. You can try with your fingernails if they are long and strong enough.

Don’t try to unscrew this part, as the cap will turn endlessly. But if you press on the base, you can unlock the cap and access the sesame described in the previous section.

Note that since the FeelStroker Butt🦊, this cap is a few centimetres higher. So, if you already have FeelStrokers, the new ones will be a little higher and this will prevent the TPE of your future acquisitions from being ‘crushed’ by giving them more space.

FeelReagan’s Textures

FeelReagan internal textures
Internal textures of the FeelReagan shown by a transversal cut of the sleeve

As soon as you’ve passed her labia, you’ll find a first “chamber” made up of small, soft knobs that are fairly wide apart. Their role is to massage your glans 360°, particularly during insertion or withdrawal.

A second, narrower chamber is made up of flexible spiral rings. They follow your back-and-forth movements and titillate your penis more.

The third chamber is the most stimulating in my opinion because the texture is designed to ‘hold’ you back slightly as you progress inside.

Finally, the last chamber, which I couldn’t reach, is made up of knobs again, then two rings and finally a final row of very tight knobs to finish things off.


FeelReagan fully dismantled
Fully dismantled FeelReagan

Unlike other FeelStrokers, where gravity played a big part in evacuating body fluids… This more textured FeelStroker can be more complex to clean. It will retain more of these fluids.

So make sure you wash it carefully, even if it’s no more complicated than any other FeelStroker.

Warm water and soap, or your usual antibacterial product for your other sex toys, will do the trick. Don’t hesitate to run a lint-free cloth over the inside, once it’s been thoroughly cleaned in every nook and cranny (don’t hesitate to put your fingers in there), then dry the whole thing properly before putting it away.

Be careful though, the more complex textures of this FeelStroker mean you’ll need more time to dry it properly. And it’s very, very important to clean and dry this toy properly. Its material, TPE, is porous. And that means that if it’s not cleaned properly, bacteria will proliferate, causing bad smells… or mould.


As the temperature had dropped considerably over the last few days, I extracted the TPE part of the main sleeve and warmed it up with a little lukewarm water.

However, using the FeelReagan at this temperature was out of the question. To warm it up, you can immerse it in lukewarm (not hot) water or, just as when you’re cleaning it, you can run water into it from one end. Once it had been properly dried and lubricated (incidentally, I used a lubricant🦊 that feels warm, Kiiroo Spark), it was time to use it.

The TPE was completely cold, at least at the temperature of the room I was in, which was around 12°C. Don’t worry, I put the heating on!

With your Hand

Although the entrance is rather open and insertion is easier, you still have to steer and hold your gear so that you don’t slip by with the lubricant.

When it comes to lubricant, you should choose a water base only. Then it’s up to you to use your own rhythm.

Whether it’s the speed of the movements, the depth applied, the angle, the way you play with the top cap…

With the Keon

FeelReagan inside Keon
FeelReagan inside the Keon for a fun interactive session!

Like any other FeelStroker, the FeelReagan is compatible with the Keon.

The Keon is an interactive sex toy, a sort of base, onto which your FeelStroker can be inserted and clipped for a hands-free experience.

The Keon offers a range of different modes and experiences.

  • interactive videos via FeelXVideos
  • sites offering video connectivity with scripts and the library
  • FeelMe Ai, Kiiroo’s new artificial intelligence that makes ‘any’ video interactive (or at least as long as the site is allowlisted)
  • remote control of the Keon by a partner (known or unknown) via the FeelConnect application or a third-party site such as XToys.
  • manual use of the Keon with its various buttons for selecting the desired speed and depth of movement.

First impressions

Ce que j’ai apprécié c’est que chaque mouvement apporté avec le FeelReagan rapproche d’un orgasme qui se veut inéluctable.

Du fait de ses nombreuses textures orientées pour retenir le gland, la stimulation est encore plus intense lorsque l’on oriente différemment le stroker, pour ajouter des contraintes supplémentaires. Clairement agréable à utiliser.


The FeelReaganđź›’ has been available on the Kiiroo website since 4 January 2023, first as a pre-order and then in full availability.

Its price is 73€ ($79). However, in 2024, when I republish this review, it is no longer available… And not compatible with the PowerBlow🦊.

EDIT 2024/06 : It’s now compatible ! But unfortunately not the sleeve version I have so I can’t try.

It’s a shame, because the FeelReagan is definitely a must-have.

If it should become available again, dear readers, you can deduct 10% from the price by using the ‘PapaRenard‘ coupon at checkout. This would bring the total to €65.70.


Points positifs

  • Reagan Foxx is a bombshell
  • Very textured, a delight

Points négatifs

  • More complicated to clean

I’d say that this FeelReagan is fast approaching the top 3 FeelStrokers I have.

I find it hard to place it against the FeelSkyler🦊 for first place as they are rather different from each other but they have always brought me the orgasm I was looking for.

No disappointments with this FeelStroker, it lives up to its promises and will be a good ally for the future!

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