PowerBlow compatible

Above the FeelStrokers🦊 from Kiiroo🦊, not all are compatible with the PowerBlow 🦊.

The compatibily isn’t made by the case of the FeelStroker rather than the sleeve moulding

How to check if your sleeve is compatible

The sleeves molded like the one on the top aren’t “fully” compatible, they may be sucked inside their case by the PowerBlow.

The sleeves made after May 2023 and the release of the FeelKayley🦊 are compatible.

Here the list of the reviews I made for the strokers from Kiiroo that are fully enjoyable with the PowerBlow.

It may exists others because Kiiroo republished some old FeelStar stroker. But in order to acquirer them, you must buy a bundle with the PowerBlow.

I wasn’t able to provide any of them because I already have a PowerBlow. Why would I buy a bundle of an old FeelStroker to have another PowerBlow ?

Front side of the package

Review of the FeelKayley from Kayley Gunner

May the force be with you, because today we’re going to be talking about a new toy for adults! The FeelKayley🛒 is the latest masturbator from Kiiroo🦊, and it willll give you the chance to have fun with your lightsaber on 4 May 2023! It’s the twentieth addition to the FeelStars range. Kayley Gunner Kayley […]

Review of the FeelKayley from Kayley Gunner Read More »

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