Review of the FeelDainty with Dainty Wilder

To celebrate Valentine’s Day, here’s my review of the FeelDainty🛒. Indeed, Kiiroo🦊 has just added this new penis masturbator to its shop, with an outward appearance taken directly from Dainty Wilder.

The brand’s first sextoy to be released in 2024, it features all-new textures and a new FeelStar. Let’s put an end to the teasing that began two days ago, let’s find out a little more about it, about FeelDainty. Let’s see if it lives up to the six months of expectations since the last FeelStroker🦊 worn by a FeelStar.

Disclosure Policy

The purpose of this review is to give you some information about this product. To help you decide whether or not it’s right for you.
The products presented were given to me free of charge by the brand in exchange for this review.
This review also contains links to the shop (emoji 🛒) which are affiliated links, at no extra cost to you.
This review is in my own words only and anything I say has been written objectively, transparently and impartially.
To find out more, click here🦊.

Dainty Wilder

Once again, I have to admit that I didn’t know Dainty Wilder. Once again, because it seems that my lack of knowledge of camgirls, social network figures and pornstars prevents me from knowing in advance who Kiiroo is promoting.

Today, we’re talking about an Australian born in 2002, a star on Instagram and now the head of an impressive fan base. This pretty brunette with hazel eyes started posting on Instagram in early 2019 and has since surpassed 666K followers, and over 500K on Twitter/X.

If you take a look around her social media channels, you’ll see some pretty… provocative images, they don’t leave you unmoved. And that’s not counting the fact that she has an OnlyFan offering even hotter content on over 4,000 media.

There’s very little content available on the Orange Hub and it’s between 1 year and 6 months old.

Unfortunately, I can’t say enough about this six-foot blonde… Are you interested in the fact that she studied architecture and design? If you’re part of her fan base it’s possible. Personally, I don’t know much about her.

Whether it’s the type of scenes she shoots or anything else, but maybe that’ll come later.

Receipt of package

It was a surprise to receive this parcel. The Community Manager at Kiiroo has changed and I wasn’t informed of this shipment. Well, I was, but by FedEx. Delivery was scheduled for a week later, just after Christmas… But I wouldn’t have been at home, so I had to postpone receiving it for a whole week.

The parcel came with a little surprise gift, a “Kiiroo Fan #1” mug. The text, as well as the PowerBlow🦊 caught in the ice, appears when the mug is heated. I think it’s pretty cool, thanks Kiiroo.

Still, the aim of this review is to talk about FeelDainty, not a teacup!

This wasn’t the only parcel in the letterbox, which was ready to explode… But Kiiroo’s parcel was lost with the others. A simple cardboard parcel, as you might be used to receiving from time to time. A mention of Kiiroo on the label, revealing the sender’s name, but nothing more.

And once the parcel was opened, bubble wrap covered the FeelDainty box.

FeelDainty box

Front side

Front side of the FeelDainty package
Front side of the FeelDainty box

Lying on a sofa in white lace lingerie, the fiery and delicate Australian welcomes us with her FeelDainty.

With one hand holding her penis masturbator and the other resting on her breasts, she invites you to discover her in a different way. Dainty Wilder is the latest FeelStar to add a new signature to the roster.

In ochre tones, this packaging won’t revolutionise the way FeelStrokers are presented, but let’s take a closer look.

Right side

Right side of the FeelDainty package
Right side fo the FeelDainty box

Okay, that’s it. Have they really put suction-cup shaped textures in this sleeve? I ask because I’ve already tested a texture of this type with the Alla🦊 and it was far from disappointing. So I’m really interested in testing it in a different way, and I’m very enthusiastic.

This first visual shows us the inside of the TPE🦊 sleeve. This is what you would see if you were to cut your jacket lengthways. Please don’t.

The second view is of the front of the sleeve, once the black ABS🦊 cover has been removed. It reveals Dainty Wilder’s private parts and reveals his signature on the side. It’s strange because you can usually read the signature on every other FeelStroker from FeelStar.

Every fold and crease you can see in this photo is the real thing on Dainty Wilder. This is as close as you can get to what it would be like to feel it for real.

Back side

Back side of the FeelDainty package
The back side of the FeelDainty’s package

If you read English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Mandarin or Japanese, this is for you. If not, too bad.

The point here is to explain that FeelDainty is designed for your pleasure from a life-size cast of Dainty Wilder’s private parts. It’s the same text as every other FeelStroker from FeelStar, so if you’ve read one, you’ve read the others. There’s not really any interesting information here other than compatibility with the Keon🛒 as well as the PowerBlow.

Left side

Left side of the FeelDainty package
Left side, the last one for this package

As mentioned earlier, the FeelDainty is compatible with two objects.

The Keon is a stand in which you can embed the FeelDainty. From there, either manually from the Keon, via a phone application or Bluetooth PC connectivity, you have an automatic masturbator. You tell it how deep, how fast, cross your hands behind your neck and enjoy the experience. That is, if you have a hands-free kit. You can even connect the Keon to a video.

The second item is more of an accessory. It’s called the PowerBlow. It’s an accessory because it screws onto the FeelStroker but can also be used in addition to the Keon. Its purpose will be to create a vacuum in the TPE sleeve to simulate fellatio.

FeelDainty appearance

Unlike my previous review of the FeelDaphne, the FeelDainty doesn’t have a serrated plastic tube to protect the sleeve during storage and transport. Perhaps Kiiroo realised that it didn’t add much and stopped testing?

When you first remove it from its box, the FeelDainty is held in place by a cardboard support. To remove it, unscrew the top cap. You’ll then be left with a black ABS object that looks rather like a torch, albeit more massive.

Inside, if you remove the bottom cap, you’ll find the visible side of the sleeve , the vulva of Dainty Wilder, which is presented to you.

All in all, we’re talking about a 550-gram, 22cm-long penis masturbator. It’s drop-proof thanks to the PVC case, and quite discreet.

FeelDainty textures

Internal texture of the FeelDainty
FeelDainty internal textures visible through a transversal cut of the sleeve

So there’s a chamber represented by a narrow tunnel, a second with suction-cup textures, a third that’s pretty plain and a final one with rings. With my physique, I don’t think I’ll be visiting the last one, but it’s not the one I’m most interested in, as you’ll have gathered by now.

On the other hand, the one with the suction cups… I tested it just with my finger, and the suction isn’t unbelievable but it’s there. You can really push the air out of the suction cups. But can the same thing happen with the glans or the penis?

Then the texture isn’t really pronounced enough to be of any real interest, so I’d skip it. It can only be described as a tunnel and the sensations will be the same as for the first chamber.

Finally, there are rings for the last chamber which, for the most hard-core of you, will give you a few extra sensations.


Full dismantled FeelDainty
FeelDainty fully dismantled. Not necessary in order to clean the sleeve

No session should force you to dismantle the FeelDainty in this way. However, it is possible to separate it into four ABS parts and one TPE part.

Normally, only the TPE part should come into contact with bodily fluids (sperm) or lubricants. And it’s this part that needs your vigilance when it comes to cleaning.

TPE is a super material in terms of sensations, but it’s also porous. In other words, it’s made up of micro-holes. And you know what likes to hide deep inside TPE? Bacteria, which will give rise to bad smells, mould and the possibility of making you ill in the process.

So clean your toy carefully after use. To do this, run it under warm water in the sink. There are two holes so you can rinse from one side to the other without worry. Then it’s time to wash it down with soap and clean the inside thoroughly – don’t be afraid to put your fingers in. It’s at this point that you’ll probably be able to see how the suction cups look best.

Clean each part of the sleeve and dry it carefully, either naturally in the open air or with a lint-free cloth. You can also use a diatomite drying stick. I promise I’ll review it one day!


With hands

This is the main way for me to test a toy. It’s not a question of judging an accessory with this sleeve, but the sleeve itself. And I was disappointed with my first use of the PowerBlow. I had praised it so much, wished for it so much, that I thought it was the FeelVictoria Mouth🦊 that was at fault… Not so. So yes, by hand.

You use water-based lubricant. Not oil- or silicone-based. The TPE will not react well with it and it will destructure the material. So a water-based lubricant. No need to worry about pH or osmolality for a lubricant to be used with a penis masturbator. Pro tips, before lubricating, you can even run the sleeve under hot water to warm it up and bring it closer to a more human temperature.

Apply a generous dose to the inside of the sleeve and to your member. After that, it’s pretty easy to guess… No ?

The good thing about using the FeelDainty (or any other masturbator) by hand is that you can control everything. Speed, depth, angle… It’s even possible, with the top cap, to manage a greater or lesser suction force. After that, it’s even better if you add a rubber seal.

In your hand, you can get the full feel of what Dainty Wilder has to offer.


The Keon offers an interactive way to use the FeelDainty

The Keon is a base into which you insert a FeelStroker. In this case, the FeelDainty, but not only; it’s also possible to insert a Fleshlight.

The idea behind this is that, using buttons, you can make the Keon go at its own pace, more or less quickly (up to 200 shots per minute), and at its own depth.

But the main attraction of the Keon is the interactive aspect and the fact that you can follow scripts. An interactive video is one in which the Keon follows the rhythm of penetrations or other sexual acts. And that’s just one more foot in the “wow” factor.


The PowerBlow is the best way to feel blowjob like sensations with the FeelDainty

The Keon’s little brother is called the PowerBlow. You may already have read my review. If not, click on the previous link to read a detailed review of this accessory.

It’s a small device that screws into place of the suction cap and creates an air vacuum in the TPE sheath. If you want to mimic a blow job, it’s great. After that, it has its faults, which I’ll mention in the review.

Still, it adds an interesting dimension.

Keon & PowerBlow

Although they’re not synchronised in the best of ways, it’s also possible to pair these two devices via FeelConnect.

So you have an automatic penis masturbator that will play on a vertical dimension and suck your member even further inside.

First impressions

My problem, when I’m super enthusiastic, is that I can be quickly disappointed.

I wasn’t able to feel the suction cups as I’d expected, as I’d experienced with the Nothosaur🦊 Alla. I was expecting a lot from it and as I couldn’t tell the difference, couldn’t feel the suction, I was frustrated.

Maybe it’s just me, or maybe it’s because the TPE is too soft, but I didn’t really take advantage of the texture as much as I would have liked.

However, the sheath is rather tight, the texture remains interesting and the FeelDainty remains very active for more than half its length. I like it, I’m seduced by it. But I was too enthusiastic about the suction cups.

I think if they’d been even more pronounced, we could really have had something interesting. But here, because of the flexibility of the TPE, it seems to me that the size of the suction cups isn’t right.

Still, the sleeve is fairly narrow and combined with the stimulation offered by the textures, the result is good. Although it doesn’t quite match the intensity offered by the FeelKayley🦊, FeelTanya🦊 or FeelVictoria Mouth trio, it’s still a very respectable sleeve.


The FeelDainty🛒 has been available since 14 February 2024. You can get it from the Kiiroo shop (or from your significant other) for $79.

If you’ve already read my reviews, you’ll know that you can get a discount at Kiiroo.

All you have to do is use the “PapaRenard” coupon at checkout. It will save you 10% on your entire order.

The FeelDainty will be just €71.10.



  • New suction-cup texture
  • FeelStrokers are discreet
  • Sufficiently stimulating and intense


  • More complicated to clean and dry properly
  • Less intense than initially expected

As with Cyberpunk 2077, I started with a cold shower. Just because my expectations were too high.

However, beyond this initial disappointment, the FeelDainty is a good penis masturbator. It offers a sufficiently stimulating set of textures combined with a narrowness that makes it pleasant to enjoy.

This pretty face is just in time for Valentine’s Day, and while it can’t replace the warmth of a vagina, the illusion is a good one. Dainty Wilder has come up with a lovely gift with this FeelStroker, but it remains to be seen whether this new FeelStar will be accompanied by a ‘Mouth’ version with this luscious mouth, or a ‘Butt’ version…

4 thoughts on “Review of the FeelDainty with Dainty Wilder”

  1. @PapaRenard, you are underwhelmed by the PowerBlow, simply because of user error. The app to use is Haptics Connect, NOT Feel Connect. It will sync the keon and pb perfectly. I recommend setting the latency adjuster to about -40ms in your settings, get the Keon stroke range limiter to your desired setting, however I recommend full strokes for accurate script reproduction. Then the crucial part is to turn the PB max suction down to like 33 of 100. Trust me, less is MORE. This will recreate a proper blowjob and if you want a phenomenal out-of-this-world experience, anywhere between that 33 and 67 should be a sweetspot and choose engage on up stroke. I’ll literally pause and vary the settings among 30s 40s and 60s because it makes a huge difference in the feeling of any texture. Another thing I recommend is the adapter that makes the Keon backwards compatible with all regular sized Fleshlights. is my preferred site for perfect haptics, otherwise if you can handle a little inaccuracy, an experimental app called Video Watcher (which is 9.99$ /mo subscription through feelxvideos/feelme) can actually AI generate a script for any video on popular sites like or on the fly. But keep in mind that it also requires fine tuning. For Video Watcher you may want to activate autopilot so it’s more sensitive to on screen content and then when adding the PowerBlow, change the settings to this as follows suction power once again 33-67%, suction time .5s-1.5sec, vacuum hold 0, pause time 0. This will allow for the PB to keep up with the strokes of the Keon. But yeah if you get haptics connect with SLR… Please try it out. You’ll never go back to another configuration. If everyone learned this + how to perfect sync the Meta Quest (huge learning curve but well worth it) it would put an end to all adultery and fornication nationwide. Lol

    Have a Happy Everyday~

    1. Good day to you 74M8CH0P5 and thank for your comment !
      I tried FeelMe AI but I wasn’t convinced. Living in the countryside, my internet connection is rather capricious and I’m waiting to get fibre before giving it another go.

      I didn’t know about Haptic Connect and I’m going to give it a chance – it’ll probably be a pleasant surprise!
      Thank you very much for the information and valuable advice, I’ll take a look at it as soon as I can.

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