Today I’m offering you an express review of the FeelPocket 🛒 by Kiiroo 🦊. Not express, because I’m going to overlook the content of this review, but rather because I received it on 18 July… And this despite only being notified the day before it was launched for pre-order. Of course, that doesn’t mean I didn’t take the time to test it properly. It’s just that my schedule has been slightly disrupted so that I can offer you an exclusive review of this penis masturbator.
The FeelPocket is the second version of a non-anatomical stroker from Kiiroo, following on from the FeelSensation🦊. Shorter, it’s also designed to be more portable and affordable.
It’s up to you to decide whether this ‘compact’ version of FeelStroker🦊 will suit you or not. And if it really is a pocket version. In any case, you’ll clearly know more about this new sextoy, which nonetheless loses a feature that the other FeelStrokers have…
FeelStroker Pocket
As mentioned above, the FeelPocket is a shorter version of the stroker you’re used to handling with Kiiroo. It has been designed to be more portable. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried putting the Keon🛒 in your suitcase… Well, it can be done. But it takes up space. And in the end, I always wanted to take the Pulse Solo Interactive🦊with me on the move more than a FeelStroker. More compact, more discreet.
Here, the cards are reshuffled with the possibility of putting an object measuring around fifteen centimetres in your bag. What’s more, it’s protected by a foolproof plastic shell! Well, almost. But the composition of the shell is the same as that of the legos you could/will step on when children leave them lying around on the floor.
Receipt of parcel
I mentioned that this review was ‘express’, didn’t I? Well, the dispatch was just as express!
I first heard about the FeelPocket a fortnight ago, on 11 July. At that time, the Communications department had just received samples and asked me if I would be interested in testing a new type of FeelStroker.
Knowing that I had been adventurous enough to test their suction cup dildo🦊 without any anal experience at the time… And when they hadn’t really explained to me what it was all about… You can imagine that testing a new type of stroker was quite motivating! Especially as everything had been presented and explained to me.
In short, shipping was also very fast for this FeelPocket and the sextoy left the Kiiroo offices (in Amsterdam) on 16 July. It only took two days to arrive at my house.
FeelStroker Pocket boxed set
Main side

Like any ‘generic’ FeelStroker, the front of the packaging is only mildly enticing. It’s almost always the same image, whether it’s the FeelStroker Vagina🛒, FeelButt🦊, FeelSensation🦊, FeelButt Extra Tight🦊… Except that here, we have a model 7 centimetres smaller!
So the box is smaller, it’s not just an impression of a flattened box and case, it’s the reality. So the only thing that really differentiates the product is the ‘Pocket’ label at the top.
Right side

There are two main pieces of information on this side, and it’s actually the most important and interesting of the whole box.
Firstly, on the upper two thirds we have a cross-section of the sheath. Unlike the ones proposed by Fleshlight🦊(but that’s just my opinion), these cross-sections actually correspond to reality. What you see here is really what you’d get if you took a scalpel and cut the sleeve.
Quite frankly, unless you’re disappointed with the sheath or have so much available that you don’t know what to do with it, I don’t understand people who cut fleshlights like this. It’s so expensive… But at the same time, if you don’t get what you pay for… Anyway…
Don’t worry, there are two separate rooms, which I’ll describe in more detail later.
Underneath, we have the non-anatomical orifice made up of a sort of concave hexagon around which fourteen right-angled triangles gravitate… So it’s purely aesthetic, of no real interest… However, unlike FeelStroker’s other sleeves, this one is curved inwards.
This is an important detail, because it means that the top cap will not flatten the relief. This is absolutely not the case with models released before the FeelButt.
Rear panel

There is very little interest in this side of the box. It doesn’t matter what the product is, but if you don’t know anything about it, it gives you a (highly nuanced) idea of what the object is for.
Well, it’s explained in seven different languages, and although I can read three of them, I don’t learn anything new. On the other hand, you do learn one important piece of information. And not because you read something… But more by its absence.
“Use it alone or in combination (…) with the PowerBlow🦊”. Ok, so we get a PocketBlow combo, that’s great but where’s the Keon in the story? More on that later, but… Kiiroo’s FeelPocket is not compatible with the Keon!
Left side

In the absence of confirmation, this is the first time that a FeelStroker has been presented without the Keon.
Without the PowerBlow, it was commonplace before its release (thanks Sherlock!) but the Keon… It’s a big first.
We can see the PowerBlow, a rubber seal and finally the FeelPocket. An important piece of information is also provided in the small insert at the bottom… The insert supplied with the PowerBlow is useless here. I’ll come back to this later.
Kiiroo FeelPocket appearance

As I mentioned in the introduction, the FeelPocket from Kiiroo measures just 15 centimetres and, exclusively, weighs 414 grams.
In the first photo, you can see that like the other FeelStrokers, this one is held in its box by a piece of cardboard. This prevents it from wandering around and possibly damaging the whole thing. On the other hand, unlike the other FeelStrokers, I was surprised that this time it wasn’t caught in the screw thread of the little cap! I’ve checked, and there’s only a few millimetres difference at the cut-out… I don’t know whether this is a deliberate change or a mistake on the model I have.
The second photo shows why at least one of the main competitors uses the term ‘fleshlight’. It’s a reference to the flashlight torch.
The last photo shows the front of the TPE🦊sheath. Although the photo doesn’t render well, it’s the same as shown above on the “Right side” section. An external texture showing a hexagonal hole and rotating triangles all around.
FeelPocket textures

The FeelPocket is made up of two separate chambers accessible through a 2-centimetre diameter hole.
The first chamber covers the first five centimetres. It is made up of six vertical sections crossed by small fins. Each of these sections therefore offers vertical stimulation via the edges of these sections but also horizontally with these small ridges. Without being tight, this first part allows you to exert considerable restraint on your member, who will spread the TPE as he pleases to make room for himself, but will be ‘restrained’ in his movements.
The second chamber is placed over the last ten centimetres. It’s made up of successive rows of 3 pearls, positioned in a staggered pattern. And that’s a good feeling. Well, I am. These large pearls crush as the penis passes over them, but return to their original shape as soon as possible, which provides good stimulation. At the same time, I really liked the FeelSensation (if nothing else) with its unique texture of large pearls. This one suits me too.

Basically, when you get a new sextoy, I advise you to wash it. You probably already do this with your new crockery, so why not with your toys?
As it is, I advise you to take the liner out of its case and then wet it, inside the duct, with warm water. Then apply a neutral soap and rub it into the liner, using your fingers to go over each texture. The aim is to clean every nook and cranny. There are no fluids other than the soapy water you’ve just added, but after one session you’ll have lubricant🦊and semen.
As TPE is a porous material, you need to be careful not to leave anything behind. You want to avoid bacteria developing in the residual fluids and micropores of this material. Because if you do, bad smells will appear and, later, when it’s far too late, you may see mould stains appear.
Once you’ve washed your liner thoroughly, the next step is to rinse it. The FeelStroker has two ends, so it’s really easy to rinse the sheath effectively. In fact, I even find that body fluids gravitate very well out of the sheath of the Kiiroo FeelPocket and that’s great.
Be careful though, with the PocketBlow combo, the fluids tend to go on the underside of the PowerBlow, something I didn’t have to worry about before.
Once cleaned, the sheath needs to be dried. Some people leave it out to air dry, but that’s not really my thing. I don’t want to leave my things lying around, as I have two young children. However, using a lint-free towel and running it inside to dry the material works pretty well too. You can even use a drying stick 🦊 to complement it. The ones in my linked review are exactly the size of the sheath!
In any case, it is very important to ensure that the sheath is dried as much as possible to limit any potential bacterial proliferation.
Preserving the sheath over the long term
When I first cleaned it, the sheath had a sticky effect that I usually only find later on FeelStrokers. I don’t know if this TPE is different from the others in its composition, but it’s not pleasant.
However, it’s super simple to get your sheath back to normal even if, aesthetically speaking, it comes at a slight cost. All you have to do is use Kiiroo’s FeelNew Refreshing Powder🛒. Or go to the supermarket and buy some cornflour (maïzena), because it’s the same thing.
Cover the sheath with it where it’s sticky and it’ll be as good as new again. However, the “pretty” black of the sheath takes a hit with this white powder…
The FeelPocket can be used by hand alone, or interactively with the PowerBlow. Unfortunately, it cannot be used with the Keon.
By hand
I’ll say it again, but for me this is the best way to experience a new penis masturbator. The simplest way in the world, to appreciate the textures.
Kiiroo’s FeelPocket has a very short main cap. However, because of the notch in it, and with the help of your fingernail, you can quickly pop it off. Or you can use your thumb, which also works. Once the cap has been removed, I suggest you lubricate your member and then the inside of the sheath. Well, I suggest… For your health, and that of your toy, do it.
Then all you have to do is enjoy the sensations offered by the FeelPocket’s textures. Bear in mind that you’re not limited to a vertical movement with this masturbator. You can also give it circular movements, making it move in one direction then the other with a turn of the wrist. You can change the angle of penetration slightly to force certain textures a little more… And finally, you can play with the little unscrewable cap that lets you manage the airflow. In fact, you can remove it and add a rubber seal 6cm in diameter and 5mm wide. It’ll make a big difference to your experience.
As you can see from the video above, the assembly process is disconcertingly simple and takes just a few seconds. From there, you can use the combo manually or interactively from your phone and, why not, a connected video.
However, before going any further, let me explain why you don’t need the PowerBlow insert in a few images.

Despite the fact that the images are quite dark, you can clearly see (click on the photos) that the interior is completely different between the FeelPocket model and the more traditional FeelStroker model.
The insert provides a smooth surface for the jacket to adhere to. This then prevents air from escaping. Since the inside of the FeelPocket is basically smooth, the insert is no longer needed! So with this future “Pocket” range, you’ll be able to do without it. Don’t throw it away though, it may come in handy with the larger FeelStrokers.
In disconnected mode, you control the PowerBlow. To really know how it works, I recommend you read my review of the PowerBlow🦊. But to put it simply, after possibly configuring via the app a maximum suction force, you can press the up button to suck the air out of the duct, and the down button to release the vacuum created.
In my experience, I haven’t found it useful to use the PowerBlow with a suction force of more than 50%. I don’t know what this will mean for you readers, but to each their own.
This mode allows you to hand over control to a third party, in particular via the FeelConnect application. However, there are other applications or websites that can take control of the PowerBlow.
The idea is that your PowerBlow can be controlled by a remote person or follow the script of a pornographic video to reproduce the fellatio performed by the actor/actress. Interesting, isn’t it?
Similarly, more details are in my review of the PowerBlow, so I’ll let you have a look if you need to.
First impressions
The FeelPocket is smaller and lighter, and fits comfortably in the hand. Because it has a non-anatomical orifice, it’s more neutral and will suit more people.
For my part, I was quite happy not to have so much of the sheath unusable. It’s annoying every time, not knowing what other textures can offer. So this is pretty good. In terms of sensations, the stimulation offered by the Kiiroo FeelPocket is completely different depending on whether you use it with or without the PowerBlow. The PowerBlow acts as a non-return valve for the air, creating a vacuum. Be careful, though: at very high power levels, this could be painful. Hence the personal limit of 50% to enjoy the stimulation of the PowerBlow without it being unpleasant.
On the other hand, although the texture of this TPE is as pleasant as that of another stroker, I find that it tends to be stickier after cleaning. With some models, I didn’t have to powder them until they’d been used several times, but that was the first time. What also tells me that maybe this texture isn’t the same as the others is that I’ve noticed that it tends to mark more easily. I noticed some damage that I hadn’t seen before using the sheath for the first time.
Today, 25 July 2024, Kiiroo is releasing the FeelPocket for pre-order. It is available in two options.
The FeelPocket🛒on its own (€37), to give you a hands-on experience, or the PocketBlow🛒(€93), the FeelPocket combined with the PowerBlow.
However, you can reduce the price of your basket by 10% by using the “PapaRenard” coupon at checkout.
Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to tell you when you will be shipped the FeelPocket. Is the pre-order for shipment in a fortnight or two months, I do not have the information.
The FeelPocket itself won me over. Smaller, adapted to the size of my own penis, easy to use… It works well. I have my reservations about the TPE being of the same quality. Maybe it’s just that the defects from use show up more quickly on the black colour.
On the other hand, those with longer penises will go so far as to hit the PowerBlow just long enough to get the right distance. It’s a precaution to take and keep in mind to avoid this. On the other hand, it would appear that this version is also designed for larger penises, and this may be a good thing for those who felt too squeezed in a masturbator.
This first version didn’t give me a moment of pure ecstasy like the FeelStar Stroker. It does the job! But it’s not ‘incredible’ compared to a standard FeelStroker. For all that, I hope it paves the way for a range of FeelStroker Pockets, and that’s very interesting.
Can I purchase powerblow attachment separately? Where how
Sure you can.
It’s available on Kiiroo’s store !